Sponsorship issues in health care services

Is sponsorship of health services consistent with the ethical platform for setting priorities in health care?

The financing of health services by non-public entities has recently become a subject of discussion and criticism. Opponents view such “sponsorship” as questionable in publically financed health care and possibly in conflict with ethical principles for distributing resources.

The National Centre for Priority Setting in Healthcare has analyzed related ethical questions on an initiative from the Swedish council on medical ethics, Smer. Based on this report and own considerations, Smer has submitted a letter to the Ministry of health and social affairs emphasizing the importance of further investigations of sponsorship issues in health care services.

Read the letter in Swedish: Sponsring av offentligt finansierad hälso- och sjukvård – etiska aspekter

Report from The National Centre for Priority Setting in Healthcare. Summary in English: Är vårdsponsring förenligt med den etiska plattformen för prioriteringar i hälso- och sjukvård?